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The Solar Roof Tiles Buying Guide You Need

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Harnessing the power of solar energy is not only good for the environment, but it’s also good for your wallet. While roof panels are what often come to mind, solar roof tiles are another option for homeowners seeking to add value to their properties.

1 - solar roof tiles are another option for homeowners seeking to add value to their properties

What Are Solar Roof Tiles?

2 - What Are Solar Roof Tiles(1)

Solar roof tiles are made of Cadmium Telluride(CdTe) Thin Film or Monocrystalline Silicon that either overlay or replace the existing shingles on a roof. They absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity. By relying on this method of energy as opposed to electricity, for example, homeowners will save money on monthly bills and eventually recoup their initial investments.

2 - Like regular roof tiles, solar roof tiles protect your home from the weather and other elements

Like regular roof tiles, solar roof tiles protect your home from the weather and other elements. These are not only energy-efficient, but they also offer a more attractive aesthetic to a home than do the large, bulky panels normally associated with solar-powered energy.

Solar Roof Tiles vs Solar Roof Panels

Solar roof tiles work in a similar way to solar panels—they both absorb the sun's rays, converting the light to thermal or electrical energy. However, there are a few important differences between solar panels and solar roof tiles that you should know about when determining your home’s solar energy needs:


The size of our solar roof tiles is standard piece size, with the average size being about  420cm wide by 1250cm long, and weighs about  9kg per piece. A solar roof can be customized to fit your roof area perfectly, blending in with the aesthetics of your house, with elements that add visual appeal like an architectural shingle.

4 - The size of our solar roof tiles is standard piece size


As the primary goal is to lower energy costs, this is a major consideration with solar installation. The majority of roof tile will produce anywhere between 13 and 63 watts of power. The number of tiles in a typical home roof installation can lower the utility bill by 40% to 70%; by adding more tiles, you can increase the energy output.

6 - Output of solar roof tiles


Our solar roof tiles are typically made of cadmium telluride or monocrystalline silicon. This CdTe semiconductor is an ideal material as it results in a high conversion efficiency rate, which is about 10% to 12% on average. Some shingles, instead use monocrystalline silicon, which is also used to fabricate computer chips. While these are more expensive, they are worth the extra price as they have a higher efficiency rate of around 15% to 20%.

5 - CdTe semiconductor is an ideal material as it results in a high conversion efficiency rate

5 - Some shingles, instead use monocrystalline silicon, which is also used to fabricate computer chips

>> While both solar roof tiles and solar panels convert the sun’s rays into energy, there are a number of differences that will help you decide between the two options:

7 - Appearance

Since solar roof tiles blend right into the roofing materials, such as concrete or asphalt, many prefer this aesthetic rather than large black panels attached to the roof. In general, solar roof tiles create a sleeker aesthetic than do bulky solar panels, particularly since only parts of the roof, like the edging, might be covered in shingles to be efficient.

7 - Service Life

Both solar panels and solar roof tiles have long life spans, typically upwards of 20 years. However, the longevity of solar roof tiles varies by the manufacturer and the installation. Warranties also vary; when you purchase solar roof tiles, be sure that you note the difference between power warranties.

7 - Effciency

Solar roof tiles are outshined by panels in terms of efficiency for a number of reasons. While solar panels can be adjusted as needed to achieve the best angle to capture the sun’s rays, solar roof tiles stay in the same place as they were first installed.

7 - installation

Solar roof tiles can take as much as a week to install—and that’s if your existing roof is in good shape. If you are building or redoing your roof before adding solar roof tiles, it can take even longer. This is compared sharply to solar panels, which can be installed within a day.

7 - Durability

Solar roof tiles have one major advantage to panels: They are more durable. Unlike panels, which sit atop the roof, solar roof tiles are actually part of the roof. As such, they are more resilient and can stand up to harsh weather conditions and fallen debris.

7 - Cost

Solar roof tiles can be on the pricier side depending on how much square footage you need to cover and which types you’d like to get. It’s important to understand your budget before opting into a solar roof tiles project.

How Many Solar Roof Tiles Do You Need?

To learn how many solar roof tiles are needed to power a house, you’ll use a formula with key factors like the size of your house and your typical energy usage. Since you can integrate solar roof tiles into your existing roof, the amount of solar roof tiles you’ll need depends on how large your roof is and how much you’d like to save on your electricity bill: the more solar tiles, the more energy output.

You can also contact us to provide you with the best solution for your roof. We will provide you with the perfect solution based on various influencing factors such as the quantity, size, material, and efficiency output of solar tiles.

7 - How Many Solar Roof Tiles Do You Need

Learn more about Solar Roof Tiles by contacting us:



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