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CdTe Solar Glass: A Green Window For Future Buildings

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Why do buildings matter for clean energy transitions?

Global floor area is growing rapidly, especially in developing countries, and growing wealth means more and more consumers are buying air conditioners and other appliances. Because of the long lifetime of structures, heating and cooling systems, and other appliances, design and purchasing decisions made today will shape energy use for many years to come.

 1 - Global floor area is growing rapidly

>>>Tracking Buildings

2 - Tracking Buildings

The operations of buildings account for 30% of global final energy consumption and 26% of global energy-related emissions1 (8% being direct emissions in buildings and 18% indirect emissions from the production of electricity and heat used in buildings). Direct emissions from the buildings sector decreased in 2022 compared to the year before, despite extreme temperatures driving up heating-related emissions in certain regions. In 2022, buildings sector energy use increased by around 1%. 

3 - Energy sector CO2 emissions include emissions from energy combustion and industrial processes

Minimum performance standards and building energy codes are increasing in scope and stringency across countries, and the use of efficient and renewable buildings technologies is accelerating. Yet the sector needs more rapid changes to get on track with the Net Zero Emissions by 2050 (NZE) Scenario. This decade is crucial for implementing the measures required to achieve the targets of all new buildings and 20% of the existing building stock being zero-carbon-ready2 by 2030. 

1 Energy sector CO2 emissions include emissions from energy combustion and industrial processes

2 Zero-carbon-ready buildings are highly energy-efficient and resilient buildings that either use 

   renewable energy directly, or rely on a source of energy supply that can be fully decarbonised, 

   such as electricity or district energy. The zero-carbon-ready concept include both operational 

   and embodied emissions. 

2 - Zero-carbon-ready buildings are highly energy-efficient and resilient buildings

Direct CO2 Emissions From Buildings

Direct CO2 emissions from buildings decreased to 3 Gt in 2022, while indirect CO2 emissions increased to nearly 6.8 Gt

In 2022, direct emissions from buildings operations declined slightly year-on-year, in contrast to the trend over 2015 to 2021 when they grew on average almost 1% per year. At the same time, indirect emissions from buildings operations grew by around 1.4% in 2022, reflecting an increased reliance on electricity.

Emissions trends differed by region. In the European Union, emissions fell in 2022, aided by a mild winter, while in the United States, buildings emissions increased, driven by extreme temperatures. To get on track with the NZE Scenario, emissions must fall by 9% per year on average until 2030, more than halving by the end of the decade.

Beyond the direct and indirect emissions from buildings operations, another 2.5 Gt CO2 in 2022 were associated with buildings construction, including the manufacturing and processing of cement, steel, and aluminium for buildings. Altogether, buildings operations and construction emissions account for more than one-third of global energy-related emissions. Mitigation and adaptation measures are needed across the whole buildings value chain.

3 - global CO2 emissions from the operation of building in the Net Zero Scenario, 2010-2030
3 - Global CO2 emissions from buildings, including embodied emissions from new construction, 2022

Photo by IEA

In 2022, the buildings sector consumed about 1% more energy than the year before

Operational energy use in buildings represents about 30% of global final energy consumption. This share jumps to 34% when including the final energy use associated with the production of cement, steel and aluminium for the construction of buildings.

In 2022, for the second year in a row, space cooling saw the largest increase in demand across all buildings end uses, up by more than 3% compared to 2021. By contrast, space heating energy consumption decreased by 4%, mainly driven by a mild winter in several regions, including Europe.

During the past decade, energy demand in buildings has seen an average annual growth of just over 1%. In 2022 energy demand in buildings increased by nearly 1% compared with 2021. Electricity accounted for about 35% of buildings’ energy use in 2022, up from 30% in 2010. Despite a progressive shift from fossil fuels to other energy sources and vectors – especially electricity and renewables – fossil fuel use in buildings has increased at an average annual growth rate of 0.5% since 2010.

In the NZE Scenario, energy consumption in buildings drops by around 25% and fossil fuel use decreases by more than 40% by 2030. The traditional use of biomass, associated with air pollution and its health consequences, is completely phased out and universal energy access, as delineated in United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 7, is achieved.

4 - Energy consumption in buildings by fuel in the Net Zero Scenario, 2010-2030
4 - Final energy consumption of buildings relative to other sectors, 2022

Photo by IEA

>>>CdTe Solar Glass: A Green Window For Future Buildings

5 - The working principle of CdTe solar glass

The encounter between green energy and innovative technology has given rise to a technology product that has attracted much attention: cadmium telluride solar photovoltaic glass. This product can be perfectly integrated with buildings and generate electricity, bringing new possibilities to the future construction and energy industries. The working principle of CdTe solar glass is based on the photoelectric effect of semiconductor materials. When sunlight strikes a CdTe thin film, the photons interact with the semiconductor, exciting electrons and generating an electric current. The electricity this generates can then be used to power building equipment or stored in batteries for later use, providing sustainable, clean energy.

6 - The use of solar glass helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption

The use of solar glass helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption. Not only does it reduce reliance on fossil fuels, it also helps achieve the construction industry’s carbon neutrality goals. Additionally, it reduces power transmission losses and improves energy efficiency. In an environment where green energy and sustainable buildings are increasingly valued, as well as the “double carbon” strategy goal, solar glass provides people with a vision of a sustainable future. Not only is it beautiful, it also generates clean electricity, making a positive contribution to the environment and society.

The application areas of solar glass are not limited to architecture. It can also be widely used in outdoor landscapes, lighting systems and public transportation. The widespread use of solar glass can also improve urban environments. By integrating it into buildings and infrastructure, cities can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality and become more sustainable. This will have a profound impact on the future development of the city, making it more livable and environmentally friendly.

7 - The application areas of solar glass are not limited to architecture

In summary, solar glass represents a vision for a green future. It can not only provide clean energy for buildings but can also be used in many fields to improve the urban environment and reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. With the continuous development of technology and the expansion of the market, solar glass will play a more important role in future buildings and energy, positively impacting society and the environment.

8 - solar glass represents a vision for a green future

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